Developing consistently.

One of our four guiding principles at Tekton is developing consistently. Some may hear that phrase as “develop consistency” but that’s only a part of what we’re talking about.

The idea of developing consistently means showing consistency in the development of ourselves personally and professionally. In short, it means improving.

This type of improvement or growth isn’t something we expect to see over night or even in the next week or month. The art of developing consistently is done by making small changes, taking small initiatives, that will help us become better over time. The key word here being over time! Developing consistency is a crucial part of this process, too. We have to make the conscious decision to commit to something——and truthfully that’s asking a lot of ourselves.

Author and entrepreneur James Clear talks precisely about this phenomenon in his article Continuous Improvement:
How It Works and How to Master

His theory supports our quest to develop consistently by “making small changes and improvements every day, with the expectation that those small improvements will add up to something significant.” In his article, Clear outlines what he calls the Power of Tiny Gains—“If you get one percent better each day for one year, you'll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.”

What he talks about is at the heart of we strive for when we talk about developing consistently.


Water’s Edge Cabin Expansion


Forbes Contributor, Jennifer Castenson, visits Keim; Tekton for the 360 Design Experience.